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Re: XML Round Trip

> Here are my requirements for an XML editor:
> 1) Free or inexpensive.
> 2) The ability to show rudimentary styling, perhaps using CSS.
> 3) A fairly straight forward way for the user to delete content and to 
> and tag new content.

If you're using DocBook, the free editors are OK. Modifying them
for other DTDs involves varying degrees of difficulty or quirks.
Look at:

  - Morphon (free) http://www.morphon.com/
  - XMLmind (free or low-cost versions) http://www.xmlmind.com/

Some low-cost commercial editors:

  - oXygen http://oxygenxml.com/
  - Serna http://www.syntext.com/products/serna/

The latest version of OpenOffice (1.1.x) supports an XML import/
export facility that's supposed to be pretty good. It comes with
a DocBook setup (what doesn't these days? :-) -- according to a
person on xml-doc, it was straightforward to use the DocBook rig
as a template to make a TEI rig. I haven't tried it myself yet;
I use OpenOffice mostly to deal with Weird files that Weird has
trouble with... which is most of them nowadays. :-P

All the above are cross-platform; all but OpenOffice are Java

Larry Kollar, Senior Technical Writer, ARRIS
"Content creators are the engine that drives
value in the information life cycle."
    -- Barry Schaeffer, on XML-Doc

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