Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.4 Customizing HTML Help display features > 9.4.1 Using CSS and font tags with HTML Help

9.4.1 Using CSS and font tags with HTML Help

The Microsoft HTML Help viewer, which is based on Internet Explorer, supports CSS (cascading style sheets); however, not every CSS feature is supported. Although CSS is probably the best way to set display properties for HTML Help, you might have to experiment. If a CSS feature you try does not seem to work, check the HTML Help Workshop on-line Help, or check with Microsoft to make sure HTML Help supports that feature.

For on-demand font resizing via the Font button (see §9.4.3 Adding tabs and toolbar buttons to HTML Help), CSS font sizes must be in relative units: em, ex, or %. For best practice, use em. By default, Mif2Go generates CSS entries using absolute pt units for font size and line height. To change the units, see §22.8.3 Specifying CSS size values and units of measurement.

If you are not using CSS, by default Mif2Go uses <font> tags for HTML Help. That is, when UseCSS=No, you have to turn <font> tags off if you do not want them:



See also:

§21.7.4 Including or excluding font tags

§22.4.2 Specifying CSS options in a Mif2Go configuration file

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.4 Customizing HTML Help display features > 9.4.1 Using CSS and font tags with HTML Help